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The Workshop Active Bystander, aims to equip participants with crucial skills to challenge inappropriate behaviour and stimulate everyone to take an active role in the shaping of a culture of mutual respect and dignity and collectively tackle...
25/09/2024 to 27/09/2024
This course will consolidate material presented in the beginner cluster course and expand on the concepts to be aware of when trying to optimize use of the cluster.  The main message of the course is to embrace the parallelism available within the...
Cluster revision and slurm primer This course will give a quick revision of essential general concepts for using a cluster well followed by specific examples utilizing slurm to run jobs on the cluster. Topics that are going to be addressed: HPC and...
ECaBox: una solució innovadora per a una problemàtica encara sense solució CAFÈ CIENTÍFIC & PRESENTACIÓ HOLOGRAMA                                                       Versión en castellano debajo   És possible regenerar la visió? És possible...
07/10/2024 to 08/10/2024
This course teaches students, in a practical and interactive way, about the reliability of the different sources of scientific information, the identification of potential red flags, and the quality control mechanisms commonly used by different...
Cluster revision and slurm primer This course will give a quick revision of essential general concepts for using a cluster well followed by specific examples utilizing slurm to run jobs on the cluster. Topics that are going to be addressed: HPC and...
The main objective of the course is to teach users the fundamentals of Excel, so that they can take advantage of the program's resources and perform the daily tasks quickly and efficiently.  Topics that are going to be addressed: 1. Basic Syntax and...
Objectives: - Understand the purpose and capabilities of OneDrive, SharePoint, and OneNote.  - Learn how to share files with external users securely.  - Identify the differences between collaborative work and sending files.  - Gain a basic...
The main objective of the course is to provide users with advanced tools, especially focused on the use of complex functions and the processing and analysis of data, with special attention to the creation and use of pivot tables.  Topics that are...
Objectives: Utilise Outlook's advanced features effectively.  - Learn how to use polls and best practices for scheduling without third-party tools.  - Automate emails for better efficiency.  - Schedule meetings and check availability within the...
